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What’s new in Affinity?

This page details everything you need to know about new features and enhancements added to the apps.

These updates are free to anyone who already owns V2. You should automatically be prompted to update to the latest version of the software when opening your app, but if you’re having issues, please check out this article. For new customers, or those wishing to upgrade from V1 to V2, check out our purchase options.

Want to have your voice heard before the next update? Join our beta program!


Free update – February 2025

Affinity 2.6 brings some very exciting updates and improvements to the software, including our very first Machine Learning features.

Please note that the two new features which use Machine Learning models (Object Selection Tool and Select Subject) are optional and require downloading of the relevant models for them to work. These are installed as pre-trained models and they do not use any of your own data for further training. Furthermore, these operations all work ‘on device’ meaning none of your data leaves your device at any time.

Object Selection Tool Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

Speed up your editing process by using this new Machine Learning tool that automatically selects objects of your choosing in an image. For information on where to find this new tool and how to download and use it, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad.

Please note: This Machine Learning feature is optional and requires downloading of the relevant model for it to work. It’s installed as a pre-trained model and doesn’t use any of your own data for further training / none of your data leaves your device at any time. For details on system requirements, please refer to our Tech Specs.

Select Subject Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

This new Machine Learning feature analyses your image and selects what it considers to be the main subject of the scene. The operation can be recorded as a Macro to aid setting up foreground/background retouching workflows. For information on where to find this feature and how to download and use it, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad.

Please note: This Machine Learning feature is optional and requires downloading of the relevant model for it to work. It’s installed as a pre-trained model and doesn’t use any of your own data for further training / none of your data leaves your device at any time. For details on system requirements, please refer to our Tech Specs.

Multi-Page Spreads Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

In Publisher, spreads can now contain more than two pages, making it easy to create trifold, gatefold, accordion-fold and other page arrangements. New options include:

  • Add Pages: Flow Pages
  • Add Pages: Extend Spread
  • Add Pages: New Spread
  • Dragging to create/change layout

For more details, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad.

Please note: This feature required extensive architecture changes so not all undo history can be imported from files created before 2.6

Page Reflow Control Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

Publisher now has new options to help you manage your pages. These include:

  • Reflow Pages – disable or enable automatic reflowing of documents from the Pages Panel
  • Reflow Through Spread – disable reflowing for that specific spread even if the document is set up to allow it via the Pages Panel
  • Add Pages – new options to add pages in the document flow, to a specific spread or as a new spread

Additional updates to the Pages Panel have also been made, including the addition of new icons that will appear when drag-dropping pages to help demonstrate what will happen when a page is moved.

Add Master
Apply Master
Copy Pages
Copy Pages - Extend Spread (Shuffle Right / Left)
Copy Pages - Insert Spread (Shuffle Right / Left)
Create Spread from Master
Action not permitted
Re-arrange Pages - Insert Page (Extend Spread Right / Left)
Re-arrange pages
Re-arrange Pages - Insert Page (Shuffle Right / Left)

For more details, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad.

Please note: This feature required extensive architecture changes so not all undo history can be imported from files created before 2.6

Page Migration Improvements Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

In addition to the other advanced page management updates listed previously, new page migration improvements have also been made. These include four new ‘page move’ options as outlined below.

  • Split Masters

    When moving and reflowing pages, they are preserved exactly as they looked by cutting multi-page masters into individual pages and applying them to whatever page they fall on, even if they end up on the wrong side of the spine. This preserves visual fidelity but may lead to incorrect margins.

    This is a good option to use when you intend to make multiple edits that may temporarily push pages onto the wrong side but expect to flow them mostly back to the right place in the end.

  • Move Master Content

    This is the default and the same behavior as V2.5. Objects inherited from master pages which have been modified, e.g. a frame that has been populated, are moved with the page along with non master page content.

    Master objects that have not been modified are replaced with the ‘correct’ master page content for the spread page that it ends up on.

    The app will try hard to preserve content but you may end up with clashes, especially if your masters don’t have symmetrical frames on either side of the spine or have detached edits.

  • Reapply Masters

    After pages have been moved, the master will be reapplied to every moved page using the smart master migration rules.

    This is a potentially powerful option to allow free reordering of pages with confidence that the frames will always fit the margins and any chiral design elements. However, careful master design is important. For it to work well, you need each master page to have left and right design alternatives for each page layout you are using.

    Although content will always be preserved, some detached edits, such as color changes, might be lost.

  • Anchor Toward Spine

    When a page element moves from one side of the spine to the other (either a page object or a master object that is being moved via Move Master Content) controls whether it maintains its absolute position on the page or its distance from the spine.

    If your margins are symmetrical about the spine but different for inner and outer, ‘Anchor toward spine’ is more likely to keep things glued to the margins. However, objects aligned to an outer page edge may unexpectedly move to align to the opposite edge. This can be avoided by pinning the object.

Adding one page before page 2


Anchor Toward Spine On

Anchor Toward Spine Off

Please note: This feature required extensive architecture changes so not all undo history can be imported from files created before 2.6

General Advanced Page Management Improvements Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

Page Thumbnails
  • An extra large size for page thumbnails is available on the Pages Panel’s preferences menu.
  • However wide you make the panel – perhaps undocked on a second display – thumbnails are scaled so the widest spread pretty much fills its width.
Master Tags
  • If you right click on a master you can select a tag color. The tag color is displayed as a circle on the master thumbnail and a bar above all the pages where it is used. This makes it easier to identify which master is used where.
  • You can hide tags by unticking Show master page tags in the panel preferences menu.
Bug Fixes / Improvements
  • Improvements to auto-flowing of text frames to more consistently add the right number of pages and choose the right template pages.
  • Fixes and improvements in consistencies between Add, Delete, Copy and Move page operations.
  • Layers panel now hides master objects that are not part of the applied page range.
  • Spread Properties now highlights selected page in spread (added in

Please note: This feature required extensive architecture changes so not all undo history can be imported from files created before 2.6

Pencil, Pen and Node Tool Improvements Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

Pencil Tool improvements

Affinity Designer’s Pencil Tool now includes several new options on its context toolbar, including:

  • Auto Close

    Previously, we only offered a proximity-based auto-closing option when making a closed shape from a pencil curve. But we’ve now introduced an Auto Close pop-up menu that offers a choice of options, including:

    • Off – the curve is never closed
    • Near – the curve is closed when end points approach each other
    • Far – similar to Near but the distance between end points is greater
    • Always – the curve is always closed irrespective of distance between end points
  • Smoothness

    Smoothness can be applied in advance of pencil drawing or to pencil curves you’ve just drawn. By design, further smoothing is no longer possible once the curve is deselected.

    The feature works by repositioning, adding or removing nodes on the curve to affect the smoothing results. You can decrease or increase smoothing by dragging the slider left or right from the default value (50%), respectively; nodes are removed or added as a result.

    Note that this is not to be confused with the smoothing you’ll see when using the Stabilizer option on the context toolbar. It would be beneficial to switch this off while testing Smoothness.

  • Use Line Style

    Prior to 2.6, the Pencil Tool presented the Use fill option as a check box on its context toolbar. This is now presented as an icon, and is accompanied by a new Use line style option, also an icon. This lets you adopt the currently set stroke properties (width, dot/dash, pressure) you have currently set up on the Stroke Panel for new pencil strokes.

Pen Tool improvements

The Pen Tool also benefits from the new Use line style option as described above.

Node Tool improvements

Converting nodes from Sharp to Smooth requires a visit to the Node Tool context toolbar or right-click menu. In 2.6, Affinity now lets you double-click (or Alt-click) a node to cycle between these node types, keeping you more focused on the curve. As another addition, either control handle on a Bézier curve’s node can be removed by double-clicking on its handle; the associated node becomes a sharp (cusp) corner.

Color Picker Improvements Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

Previously when you used the Color Picker available from the Color or Stroke Panel it would first add the picked color to the well next to the picker, and then you would be required to apply the color manually by clicking the well.

We are now changing this to automatically apply the picked color to the selected object, so you’re no longer required to select the color well.

If you would prefer not to apply the selected color (i.e. the previous behavior), simply hold down Alt or whilst picking the color on Windows or Mac, or by using the command controller on iPad.

Updated SerifLabs RAW Support & Lens Recognition Database Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

The SerifLabs RAW engine has now been updated to include additional RAW formats, and we have also updated the Lens Recognition database.

For a full list of supported cameras, please refer to the Updated Camera SerifLabs RAW Support and Lens Correction database post on the forum.

Reading Order Panel Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

We’ve introduced a Reading Order Panel in Publisher to improve the accessibility of PDFs produced in Affinity. The Panel gives you control over the order in which screen readers and other assistive technology read PDF content.

For details on where to find it and how to use it, please refer to the online help listings for desktop or iPad.

QR Code as a Data Merge Field Available on desktop only

Windows and macOS

QR codes can now be generated using data from a data merge source.

To do this:

  1. Add a data merge source via Window > Data Merge Manager…
  2. Select the QR Code Tool
  3. Draw a QR code
  4. On the context toolbar, click the Data field
  5. Set Type to Data Merge
  6. Set Field to the column in your data source from which to generate QR codes
  7. Click OK
  8. Return to the Data Merge Manager and click Generate
    • A page containing the unique QR codes will be generated for each entry in your data file

If you wish to control the layout and have multiple QR Codes on a single page, then after connecting a data merge source, draw a data merge layout using the Data Merge Layout Tool as normal, making sure to add the QR code shape (with the correct field selected) as a child of the layout.

  • The selected data merge field must provide a complete and valid string for the type of QR code you wish to create, e.g. URL, SMS, vCard, etc.
  • The fields from the Fields Panel cannot be used with any of the preset QR code types.
Photo Usability Improvements Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

A number of usability improvements have been made to Affinity Photo, something especially beneficial for users familiar with other image editors. Updates include:

  • Image and RAW layers can now be used with raster selections when deleting and duplicating
  • Merge Down / Merge Selected commands now work with Image and RAW layers
  • /Ctrl-click drag with marquee selection now works on Image and RAW layers
  • Image layers can now be used to enter the Develop Persona
  • Image and RAW layers can now be used to enter the Liquify Persona
  • Image and RAW layers can now be used to enter the Tone Mapping Persona
  • When using a brush tool on an Image or RAW layer, perform a non-destructive behavior instead of rasterizing
  • Inpainting Brush Tool and Patch Tool now remember sampler option between sessions/documents
  • Map Live Perspective filter to +T / Ctrl+T (only in Pixel/Photo workspace)
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool has a “From Center” option
  • Standardize modifiers across selection tools and avoid the need for a quaternary modifier (which was right mouse on Windows)
  • Standardize toggle modifier for marquee select intersection (with Move Tool)
  • Ctrl+ / Ctrl+Alt modifier for brush tools added to hint line
  • Antialiasing enabled by default for Flood Select / Marquee / Freehand Tools
  • Brush hardness override for iPad removed
  • Clear Mask and Fill Mask added to right click mask layer context menu
  • Edit>Inpaint can be used with Image and RAW layers
  • PDFs with no raster content now import at 300 DPI by default
  • TIFF: Unassociated Alpha is now imported correctly, and a toast is displayed informing the user
  • Plugins can now be used on Image and RAW layers
  • Parameterized macros no longer rasterize non-pixel layers when run
  • Prevent non-pixel layer rasterization when using Ctrl+ / Ctrl+Alt brush modifier
  • Curves will render grayscale result immediately when color model is changed to Grey
Other Improvements Available on both desktop and iPad

Windows, macOS and iPad

There are a few other minor improvements to mention in 2.6:

  • Selection Box can now be set for Objects Rotated by 90°, 180° or -90°
  • Stroke Width Tool – better handling of size variance and pressures that have profiles or are inverted. Size variance is extended to cater for the range of the control point the user is editing.
  • Stroke Width Tool – added 'Reset' button to the context toolbar
  • Preflight will now warn if text flows contain mismatched scaling
  • Vector and Pixel Brushes are now searchable. A search field is present just above the category selector (only searches the currently selected Category)
  • (Desktop) Stroke Width Tool – added a right-click context menu (when you’re not right clicking over the actual curve itself)
  • (iPad) Sliders behave like a normal slider (i.e. such as the Opacity and Noise ones on the Color Panel). A tap/click on the slider will move the slider’s handle to that position. Tap/click then drag will move the handle to match the touch/cursor position.
  • (iPad) Quick Shapes: When there is no shape selected apply values to the default shape
  • The Tags Panel has been updated to allow users to use Alt Tag and Extended Description XMP tags inside images
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